Office of the Director
Mr. Jake Gadsden, Jr. was appointed by Governor Henry McMaster as Director of the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services on January 23, 2025, and he was then confirmed by the South Carolina Senate on February 27, 2025.
The Director has overall responsibility for the Department, supervises all staff functions, and ensures that all policies and procedures are followed. The Director's Office includes the Office of the Chief Deputy Director, The Office of Professional Responsibility, The Office of Program Planning and Development and the Chief Information Security Officer.
Office of Chief Deputy Director (Vacant)
The Chief Deputy Director serves as senior advisor to the Director. This position is responsible for strategic planning, cultivating community partnerships, and ensuring that Agency resources are most effectively and efficiently utilized. They have ancillary oversight for daily operations, executive reports, and business practices. They supervise the Deputy Director for the Division of Offender Supervision and Enforcement Services, the Deputy Director for Administration, the Deputy Director for Legals and Policy Management, and the Associate Deputy Director for Paroles, Pardons and Release Services.